In Invoice1 WOD, we used JS expressions to generate a sales receipt, in the form of a table. We combined Javascript and HTML into one file to code this information. This WOD is to help us understand how to reference variables and use expressions to compute various needed values dynamically.
Invoice1 was quite easy in the beginning as we simply defined variables and corresponding expressions for computation. I used regEx to find and replace elements made in this WOD. The difficult part of this was the minor mispellings that I’ve made which led to me having to go line by line checking multiple times, until I was missing an “s” (for example). I also encountered a problem when filming my WOD. In the moment, I forgot how to ensure my tax and grand total is formatted to two decimals. Overall, it was not a difficult WOD. It was just the little mistakes that extended my WOD completion.
Similar to my previous WODS, in preparation of the WOD, I started running through the steps on my own without any resources, just with my own knowledge. After going through what I can do, I watched the demonstration video by Port to see what I missed. By problem-solving by myself initially, I can better understand how much knowledge I have and what I need to work on. As for what I’ve done differently, this WOD had many similar lines of code. Therefore, I’ve copy and pasted for this WOD, more often than I did for other WODS where I typed it all out. I had many little mistakes, solely because of mispellings or a missing $ that can be easily missed. Command C was a lifesaver.
Next time, I will make sure to continue to copy and paste lines of code that are provided in the WOD instructions to save time and properly execute the commands. To be more prepared, I hope to allow myself more time to review readings and screencasts provided. My end goal is to be able to do a WOD without needing to glance at WOD screencasts until I finished my own recording.