E4: Progress in Programning Report

16 Apr 2024

My programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways:

I think Assignment1 has really helped me be able to apply the skills and code I learned this past semester into an actual project. Labs are different from Assignments since for labs, they are more of a collective work and the students are working one-on-one with the professor. This Assignment allowed me to be more “independent” and use what I have learned to make my e-commerce site. With labs however, I tend to follow everything the professor has so it is hard to play around and become familiar with the tools I am using till now.

I need to work on the following to improve my programming skills:

I want to be able to become more comfortable and be familiarized with javascript. When I opened Assignment 1 and went into the server.js, I got a bit worried since I do not know exactly what they all mean. The comments do help, but I still ask peers or ChatGPT to help explain certain code and ask questions. There is also a few readings that I have not been caught up on, so that definitely has slowed down my progress when trying to do certain functions in the Assignment.

I have learned a lot from doing WODs and I can do them without copying the screencast:

Yes! The WODs have allowed me the chance to explain my code verbally. I think this is a good strategy in learning and understanding the code because (from what I’ve read), being able to explain how you have done something helps with memory. The more senses that gets invovled with memory making, the more better you can remember something. The WODs we’ve done are also similiar to our Assignments, so that was very helpful!

The labs have help me learn and I am able to complete them with confidence:

I did not have full confidence in myself when I was working on my labs for ITM352. Once a while, there would be question that causes me to stumble and ask classmates. They are not too hard to do and the professor is able to record what information was missed. In addition, the labs provide LOTS of information.

I learned a lot from my experience doing Assignment 1 and feel ready to work on Assignment 2:

Assignment1 was quite an eye-opener for me. It made me realize how much time I needed to finish. Time management was one of my biggest challanges, so it was difficult for me to be able to submit it on time, without rushing to add some last minute code. A mistake I made in the beginning was doing my comments in the middle to end of my progress on Assignment1. I initially thought I did not need it since everything seem organized. However, as I added more and more code, I started to become confused about where certain things are. Definitely recommend commenting from the start.

I think the class can be improved to help my learning in the following ways:

In order for our classes class to be improved, it would be nice if we could have an in-class work day. We can work with peers to help each other out. I know that everyone is constantly busy outside of their classes, so it would be difficult for some to meet peers in person to ask for help or get feedback on their code. Overall though, I think the professor and TAs are helpful, since they are active on Discord annd available to help. Even if it is not asked, they provide tips in the chat!

What helps me the most in class are (WODs, Labs, class website, screencasts, readings, quizzes, one on one help, working with classmates, etc.):

My favorite resource from the class are the screencasts. With the screencasts, I am able to replay certain parts multiple times to get the instructions correct. Sometimes, I feel uncomfortable asking a professor about a topic multiple times, so I would resort to reviewing the video to get my questions answered. Provided readings such as W3 are very helpful. W3 provides detailed, yet simple explanations about how certain commands, code, and applications work. They don’t have wordy explanations that make me lost in the midst of reading. W3 keeps it simple and it is THE STAPLE to this class.